GGs 2019 part 4 – Rheingau Riesling

Monday 16 December 2019
Michael Schmidt and Oestrich wine queen in the Rheingau, November 2019

Michael selflessly fills in a gap in his coverage of 2018 VDP Grosse Gewächse Rieslings with a feast for all senses, effectively Wiesbaden continued. See our guide to coverage of German 2018s.

It’s hard to imagine that there is anything to look forward to in a cold and gloomy November, but an invitation to the VDP Rheingau’s Riesling Gala in the magnificent setting of Kloster Eberbach is a highlight in the calendar of even the most blasé of wine personalities (or their impostors).

Held in the former monks’ dormitory of this ancient monastery, this is an event which brings together the...