International Grapevine Symposium, Lisbon

Sunday, 26 January 2003 • 1 min read

Greenies might like to know about this First International Symposium on Grapevine which is being organised with great enthusiasm in Lisbon, Portugal 30 June – 3 July, 2003.

The organisers have reminded me that Lisbon is known as the City of Light, which sounds promising, particularly at this time of year. The subtitle of this event is 'The future of grapevine production: innovation or conservation of values?'

The leaflet poses some interesting questions such as 'Should the Old World continue with the policy of subsidies and restrictive regulations, or should the rules of the free market be permitted to prevail?'

Contributions from lots of Portuguese plus Germans, Dick Smart of Australia, Boursiquot of France and Reisch of Cornell in the US are scheduled.

To find out more email or see