Riesling Night 2 – buy tickets now

Friday 8 February 2019 • 1 min read

25 March 2019 See our tasting notes from this event.

18 February 2019 This event is now sold out. Many thanks for your interest. 

Our next tasting evening next month offers a chance to enjoy 40 of the finest Kabinetts, and take home one of my new wine glasses worth £35. 

Wallow in our second-ever Riesling tasting, this time focusing on Kabinett, on Sunday 10 March. Kabinett has become something of a Cinderella category, but one that is particularly dear to lovers of classic German Riesling. 

A great Kabinett can be the world’s brightest yet most delicate essence of the Riesling grape. It's like a tonic, an energy drink that wakes you up more effectively than any epresso ever could.  

£95 will buy you a chance to taste more than 40 Riesling Kabinetts from top addresses, including the usual delicious food at Caravan, King’s Cross, plus one of my luxurious new mouth-blown wine glasses to use and take home in a sturdy, stylish box. 

This tasting, self-pour as usual, will feature producers and wines hand-picked by our German specialist Michael Schmidt. We will have the opportunity to compare examples of the same wine from the 2017 vintage and an older vintage chosen by each producer. Many of these wines are rarities because some producers gave up on Kabinett for a while, and others failed to cellar old vintages. However, confirmed participants include Toni Jost, Grans-Fassian, Fritz Haag, JJ Prüm, Nik Weis, Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt, Reinhold Haart, Thanisch Erben Thanisch, von Schubert, Crusius, Dönnhoff, Gut Hermannsberg, Kruger-Rumpf, Schlossgut Diel, Reichsrat von Buhl, KF Groebe, Schätzel, Schloss Vollrads, Emrich-Schönleber, Spreitzer and Peter Jakob Kühn. Older wines include a 1990 Aulerde from Groebe and the Maximin Grünhäuser Abtsberg 1997 from von Schubert described in Michael's article on Riesling rarities from two impeccable addresses published today. 

Below is a short video showing some highlights from our first Riesling tasting last March, a rapid sell-out which focused on Grosses Gewächs wines.

We are very grateful indeed to the VDP organisation under the direction of Hilke Nagel, who are kindly assembling and shipping the wines, and of course to the producers for sharing their superb Rieslings with us. Thanks to Michael for doing the hard work of making the selection. As usual, any surplus funds from the evening will be donated to a charity chosen by the producers.

WHAT A comparison of more than 40 top Riesling Kabinetts in pairs: one from 2017 plus a previous vintage

WHEN 6.30–9 pm Sunday 10 March 2019

WHERE Caravan, King’s Cross, Granary Square, London N1C 4AA

HOW MUCH £95 a head, including one of my glasses to take home (usual price for the glass is £35)

HOW Click here.