Southwold 2016s – right-bank reds

The second of three reports on this year's Southwold-on-Thames blind tasting of 2016 bordeaux. See also yesterday's report on the whites and this guide for all our coverage of Bordeaux 2016.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Bordeaux 2016s poured for the Southwold-on-Thames blind tasting

Bordeaux’s right-bank wines have in the past tended to find less favour with the Southwold tasters drawn from the traditional British wine trade (some of them seen here pouring from the anonymous, burgundy-shaped bottles into which they had been decanted) than have the left-bank wines. They have never been slow to point the finger at over-extracted, over-oaked St-Émilions. But the sheer quality of the 2016s rather stunned them into submission...