Vinexus anteprima 2022

Wednesday 2 November 2022
The two Nick B MWs of Vinexus

A first look at Brunello di Montalcino 2018 and Barolo 2019, as well as some white gems.

This year’s Vinexus Anteprima tasting was particularly poignant because it was held less than a month after the death of this London wine company’s co-founder Nicolas Belfrage MW. And as recently as last May Nick Belfrage invited us all to a memorial for his partner in this exercise Nick Bielak MW. They are pictured above, not long ago, with Nick Bielak on the left.

The introductions to Brunello di Montalcino 2018, Barbaresco 2020 and Barolo 2019 in the tasting booklet were the last...