Matthew Hayes
Matthew Hayes has lived in Dijon with his French wife and family for more than 20 years. He has worked variously for Berry Bros & Rudd and fine-wine brokers Fine + Rare in London, Moët & Chandon in Epernay and a prominent wine merchant in Burgundy. But he found his time working at Willi’s Wine Bar and Juveniles in Paris even more valuable for opening his eyes to the great wide world of wine rather than simply the classics and investment-grade wines – about which he has a decidedly sceptical view. A 2008 road accident in Meursault left him paraplegic and channelled his obvious aptitude for writing into a blog leglessinburgundy. His company Albion Vins Fins imports Italian wine into France where he also represents a certain range of glassware. He is currently a Master of Wine student whose life story is told far more eloquently by Matthew himself here.
See all articles written by Matthew.