Secret riojas – Zones 3 and 4

The second of three tasting articles devoted to Ferran's finds among the less-celebrated bodegas of Rioja, in Zones 3 and 4. See also Rioja's secret wines for an overview and Secret riojas – Zones 1 and 2 and Zones 5 to 8.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Badiola vineyard

A description of each zone is followed by tasting notes on wines tasted from that zone, grouped by style/colour. Within each group the wines are listed alphabetically by producer (sur)name but you can change this.

Zone 3 – Sonsierra Oriental

Quiet riojas Zone 3

Elevation: between 500 and 750 m (1,640–2,460 ft)

Climate: high degree of diurnal temperature...