Von Buhl sack estate manager and winemaker

Fresh(?) from tasting myriad GGs in Wiesbaden, Michael tells us what everyone in German wine is talking about.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Matthieu Kaufmann when at von Buhl in the Pfalz

Is it all about the money, honey? In a shock move, prestigious Pfalz wine estate von Buhl, one of the three so-called traditional great Bs (the other two being Bassermann-Jordan and Bürklin-Wolf) has sacked both estate manager Richard Grosche and technical director Matthieu Kaufmann (pictured here against von Buhl's distinctive logo). Formerly chef de cave of Bollinger, Matthieu Kaufmann was hired in 2012 to break up the old, traditional and slightly stuffy structure of the estate and he immediately set new parameters...