German 101 from The WineBarn

Friday 28 February 2020
Wirsching Franken vineyards in winter

Celebrating diversity in German wine, with a special plea for Franken (pictured in winter).

Although Riesling and Spätburgunder inevitably dominate any German wine tasting, one of the great things about The WineBarn’s portfolio is that it has always embraced the heterogeneity of German wine.

The producers at this particular annual portfolio tasting (pictured below with WineBarn founder Iris Ellmann front right) came from eight of the 13 wine regions in Germany, so it was a chance to taste widely throughout Germany under one roof. At least a third of the wines there represented varieties other than Riesling: from Silvaner, Scheurebe, Grauburgunder, Weissburgunder, Lemberger (aka...