Italian assortment 2020 – part 2, the centre

Some fine, opinionated introductions from Walter to the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Umbria and the Marche here. See also part 1, a collection of tasting notes on wines from southern Italy and the islands, and part 3, notes from the north of Italy.

Thursday, 10 September 2020
Ventaglio vineyard on the Tenuta Argentiera in Bolgheri on the Tuscan coast

Jancis adds The picture above is of Tenuta Argentiera's windswept Ventaglio vineyard in the south of Bolgheri. I happen recently to have tasted the first two vintages of Ventaglio, based on Cabernet Franc (a deliberate choice of the new, Austrian owner), so have added my tasting notes below to those of Walter on other wines...