Mopping up Rhône 2017 – northern whites

Monday 16 September 2019
Hermitage hill vineyards

This mini-series of mop-up tastings of the Rhône's small but promising 2017 vintage begins in the north.

Despite tasting nearly 1,000 Rhône wines from the superior 2017 vintage last autumn (see our Rhône 2017 guide), there were still hundreds of wines left to try. Fortunately, many of these were conveniently assembled as part of the biennial Découvertes en Vallée du Rhône tasting that took place earlier this year. (For the non-2017s I tasted, see the nearly 200 tasting notes that were published in our Rhône spring collection.)

Two forthcoming articles will report respectively on 2017 northern Rhône reds and southern...