Special offer – Spätburgunder tasting


The Institute of Masters of Wine is offering a special 30% discount to purple pages members on tickets to their seminar and tasting on German Pinot Noirs in the historic Vintners’ Hall (pictured) in the City of London on the morning of Thursday, 10 Sep.

They will be welcoming some of Germany’s top producers of Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir). On the panel will be Dieter Greiner of Kloster Eberbach (Rheingau), Paul Fürst of Rudolf Fürst (Franken), Joachim Heger of Dr Heger (Baden) and Meike Näkel of Mayer-Näkel (Ahr). The seminar will explore top-quality Spätburgunder from top regions, from top vineyard sites...