Barolo Night 4 – the wines

Thursday, 27 October 2016 • 1 min read

Jancis writes Our picture shows Barolo Night, New York, that took place last Monday night at Tribeca Grill, thanks to organisation by Chambers Street Wines, winners of our indie retailer competition back in 2014. The winner Jamie Wolff of Chambers Street (centre in the pale blue shirt in the picture on the right) came over to London to see our Barolo Night and liked it so much he thought he would import the concept to his native New York. 

As you can see, it was all very similar to the London prototype and a great deal of fun was had by all as we tried 48 Baroli from the far-from-easy 2012 vintage handpicked by Walter, seen talking about them below with me and Federico Scarzello of the Enoteca Regionale del Barolo.

We will be trying exactly the same wines in London on Sunday 20 November and thought that those lucky enough to get a ticket might like to know in advance what we will be tasting – so we are publishing the list below in place of the usual Throwback Thursday delve into our archives. 

As usual the wine will be grouped by commune (something the New Yorkers particularly appreciated, in contrast to the more usual New York events at which wines tend to be grouped by distributor), and are presented very roughly in ascending order of body and/or tannin.


Bruna Grimaldi, Bricco Ambrogio 2012 Barolo

Negretti, Bricco Ambrogio 2012 Barolo


Umberto Fracassi Ratti Mentone, Mantoetto 2012 Barolo


Claudio Alario, Sorano 2012 Barolo


Fratelli Alessandria, San Lorenzo di Verduno 2012 Barolo

Comm G B Burlotto, Acclivi 2012 Barolo

Castello di Verduno, Massara 2012 Barolo


E Pira di Chiara Boschis, Via Nuova 2012 Barolo

Giorgio Scarzello e Figli, Vigna Merenda 2012 Barolo

Michele Chiarlo, Cannubi 2012 Barolo

Barale, Cannubi 2012 Barolo

Brezza, Cannubi 2012 Barolo

Serio e Battista Borgogno, Cannubi 2012 Barolo

Le Strette, Bergeisa 2012 Barolo


Elvio Cogno, Ravera 2012 Barolo

G D Vajra, Ravera 2012 Barolo

Vietti, Ravera 2012 Barolo


Cavallotto, Bricco Boschis 2012 Barolo

Ceretto, Bricco Rocche 2012 Barolo

Paolo Scavino, Bric del Fiasc 2012 Barolo

Oddero, Rocche di Castiglione 2012 Barolo

Sordo, Rocche di Castiglione 2012 Barolo

Massolino, Parussi 2012 Barolo


Burzi 2012 Barolo

Alessandro Veglio 2012 Barolo

Cordero di Montezemolo, Monfalletto 2012 Barolo

Mario Marengo, Brunate 2012 Barolo

Trediberri, Rocche dell'Annunziata 2012 Barolo

Roberto Voerzio, Rocche dell'Annunziata 2012 Barolo

Ciabot Berton, Roggeri 2012 Barolo


Marziano Abbona, Pressenda 2012 Barolo

Pecchenino, San Giuseppe 2012 Barolo

Josetta Saffirio, Persiera 2012 Barolo

Seghesio, La Villa 2012 Barolo

Silvano Bolmida, Bussia 2012 Barolo

Giacomo Fenocchio, Bussia 2012 Barolo

Colla, Bussia Dardi Le Rose 2012 Barolo

Mauro Veglio, Castelletto 2012 Barolo

Diego Conterno, Ginestra 2012 Barolo


Giovanni Rosso, del Comune di Serralunga 2012 Barolo

Fontanafredda, Serralunga d'Alba 2012 Barolo

Luigi Baudana, Baudana 2012 Barolo

Ettore Germano, Cerretta 2012 Barolo

Gabutti Boasso, Gabutti 2012 Barolo

Paolo Manzone, Meriame 2012 Barolo

Pio Cesare, Ornato 2012 Barolo

Luigi Pira, Marenca 2012 Barolo

Cucco, Cerrati 2012 Barolo