Ferran on Chile – the centre

See also Ferran’s introduction to this series and his tasting article devoted to northern Chile.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Polvo wine bar and Ferran's central Chilean wine tasting

My tasting of the wines of central Chile brought together the regions of the Central Valley: Metropolitan (Maipo), the O’Higgins region (Cachapoal and Colchagua) and the Maule region (Maule and Curicó). However, in this article only the northern part of Maule is tackled, leaving southern Maule (Maule Sur) and the promising wines of Cauquenes, especially its Cariñenas, for my article dedicated to the south. So, this tasting covers a region more than 300 km (185 miles) from north to south, from Santiago to Linares...