How Purple Pages help grandparents

Wednesday, 15 August 2012 • 1 min read

I was contacted by a Purple Pager with a common request recently and it reminded me to spread the news that one useful aspect of our detailed tasting notes search is now working again. (I'm not sure it ever worked before, but no one ever complained until recently.) In the right-hand column, if you want to narrow your search to wines that will be ready to drink in a certain year, then just select that year from the When to drink options at the bottom of the right hand column below rather than leaving it at the default 'Whenever'.tns_by_date_2

Charles Auld wrote: 'Jancis, I'm in a bit of a bind. My grand-daughter Kitty was born Nov 2011 and has just been christened with a promise of wine of the 2011 vintage which she can drink from 2029 onwards. Any ideas? (Possible lead: her mother is a fine cheesemaker....)'

I couldn't think of a cheese connection (perhaps you can?) but responded thus:

'It's a little early to be sure. For example, port, Rhône and burgundy 2011 prospects are still unclear. 2011 is not a stellar vintage for Bordeaux but I've just looked in our database of tasting notes for 2011s that will be drinking well in 2029 and it already yields nearly 150 results, two-thirds of them scoring 17-19/20. (I suppose the lower scoring wines are less likely to live that long.) There's some red bordeaux but lots of sweet wines, especially Sauternes and German. Sauternes is definitely undervalued and 2011 was a great vintage there. How about a case of Ch Climens or Coutet, both run by women – and by 2029 that wine style will surely be fashionable once again? Thanks for reminding me to buy something for our 2010 grandson.'

I hope you will use this facility to help with your buying choices, for whichever generation.