Latest site improvements – seek and ye shall find!

The glamorously named 'release 5.5' was deployed to on Friday afternoon last week, bringing a host of new features to the site. This article explains the most significant ones.
Most of the changes concern our search engine. While the interface remains largely unchanged, we have introduced several upgrades to make search easier, more powerful and, we hope, more useful. The most visible upgrade is an autosuggest feature, which will provide matching terms from our database as you start typing into any search box. For example, typing bord into the articles search text box produces the suggestions shown below, with many more selectable by scrolling within the autosuggest drop-down list.
This feature should be especially helpful for tasting-note searches, where it will proffer the correct spelling of every producer, cuvée, vineyard, cru and appellation in our database.
When activating an 'everything else' search from the menu bar, we've added a filtering panel to the results. This allows you to have greater control over the type of content you see, by clicking on as many categories as you wish.
We have also added a simple toggle button to the articles search results, which allows you to order the results by relevance or date (most recent first).
Other improvements include:
- various cosmetic improvements to do with font size and visibility
- improved login appearance for our mobile format
- new, more easily navigable country pages for our extensive where to buy section.
We intend to continue making refinements to the site over the coming year, and welcome any suggestions, feedback or requests via the contact form or this forum thread.
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