New Masters of Wine announced

Monday 4 September 2017 • 2 min read

Today, 14 new Masters of Wine have been announced, joining the four who passed earlier this year. Of the 18 in total, seven are women and they are resident in six different countries. The Institute looks increasingly diverse and widespread, and there are now 369 MWs around the globe.

As someone who experienced it first hand in 2015, I can tell you that the exhilaration you get on hearing that you pass is a feeling like no other. So, congratulations to the newest members, from all of us here at! The new MWs research paper titles are listed below. For full details, and a biography of each graduate, see this press release.

Nova Cadamatre MW (USA)
Research Paper: Exploring the efficacy of different barrel cleaning procedures on Brettanomyces bruxellensis and Acetobacter spp populations and the relative financial and environmental benefits of each treatment

Julie Chene Nyheim MW (Norway)
Research Paper: Norwegian women’s attitudes to health and alcohol: their receptivity to “healthy” wine brands

Alistair Cooper MW (UK)
Research Paper: The Itata region in Chile: how have the region’s origins impacted its present? An assessment of the opportunities for development and investment in the region

Philip Harden MW (UK)
Research Paper: Did a bubble burst for Bordeaux Cru Classe prices in 2011? What might the future for prices hold?

Ashley Hausman Vaughters MW (USA)
Research Paper: What factor(s) caused a rise in Cabernet Sauvignon acreage throughout the Napa Valley from 1961-1976?

Sarah Heller MW (Hong Kong)
Research Paper: Purchasing cues of Millennial Chinese online wine consumers

Tim Jackson MW (UK)
Research Paper: Elementary consumer wine education: UK market size, characteristics and significance to the trade

Andreas Kubach MW (Spain)
Research Paper: The use of long-term contracts in grape procurement – a study of current practices in the D.O. Ribera del Duero

Fernando Mora MW (Spain)
Research Paper: Proposals for creating a revised wine quality classification in Denomination of Origin (DO) Campo de Borja, with recommendations for potential implementation in other DOs in Spain

Aina Mee Myhre MW (Norway)
Research Paper: Wines in PET bottles in the Norwegian monopoly market: a study of the top-sellers and the monopoly’s role in the sales of these wines

Billo Naravane MW (USA)
Research Paper: Anthocyanin Sequestration: Can Sulfur Dioxide be used proactively pre-fermentation to increase polymeric pigment formation in Oregon Pinot Noir and Washington Syrah

Catherine Petrie MW (UK)
Research Paper: Sancerre’s single vineyard wines versus formal cru classification systems: an investigation of Les Monts Damnés, Les Culs de Beaujeu, and Chêne Marchand

Nigel Sneyd MW (USA)
Research Paper: Observations on the sensory and chemical differences in dry white and rosé wines bottled and stored in clear glass and UV-protected clear glass

Morgan Twain-Peterson MW (USA)
Research Paper: A review of late 19th century planting practices in Californian vineyards and their relevance to today’s viticulture. A research paper based upon Bedrock Vineyard, planted in 1888