Piper-Heidsieck's second Hors-Série sees the light

The new team at Piper found a couple of interesting 1982s lurking in the cellar …

Thursday, 17 November 2022
Hors-Série corks and cages

As pickers snipped a copious harvest of grapes off the Champagne region’s vines, I witnessed the launch of Piper-Heidsieck’s second Hors-Série late-release champagne. To be honest, I only realised there had been a first when reading up on Piper-Heidsieck the day before. I had wanted to make sure I could separate my Pipers, my Charlies and my Monopoles among the various Heidsiecks of Champagne.

The original Heidsiecks, cloth merchants from Germany, set up their champagne house in 1785. Heidsiecks split, and Pipers joined, creating...