TONG 10 on Bordeaux 10

Wednesday 20 July 2011 • 1 min read

TONG is a pretty classy wine magazine edited and published by Filip Verheyde, Flemish food and wine critic. Rather distinctively, it carries no advertising whatsoever, believing that advertising makes the magazine dependent and affects the aesthetics. Beauty of presentation is certainly one of its defining features. Contributors are all top specialists in their field, and content is aimed at ‘transmitting intellectually solid, “real” knowledge about wine’.

The most recent edition, TONG N°10, focuses on Bordeaux and contains an interview with Jancis about the minutiae of her primeurs 2010 routine, as well as a long, hard look at climate change in Bordeaux by Fiona Morrison MW of Le Pin ('Bordeaux is overheating. Its wines are too alcoholic, too ripe and over extracted'). Benjamin Lewin MW proposes a completely new classification of Médoc châteaux based on current prices, and Chinese Bordeaux expert Fongyee Walker examines the Chinese love affair with Bordeaux. Verheyde himself writes a fairly challenging exploration of the need for Parker.

Filip comments, ‘The articles in this issue aren’t for or against Bordeaux. We have simply attempted to feature as many relevant issues as possible, which is TONG’s philosophy. Consider this issue to be a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). It may not be complete, but it should stimulate you to think about what comes next.’ It is certainly richly packed with food for thought.

Subscription for a year (four issues) is €100, and a single issue (or back copy) is €28.

See our guide for the rest of our extensive coverage on Bordeaux 2010.