How we perceive taste


London Gastronomy Seminars, launched at the end of 2009, has a fascinating topic on the agenda tomorrow (Friday) evening: 'the multisensory perception of flavour'.

The speakers are Professor Barry C Smith, Director of the Institute of Philosophy in the School of Advanced Study, University of London, who was the editor of Questions of taste: the philosophy of wine (Jancis wrote the foreword), and Professor Charles Spence, head of the Crossmodal Research Laboratory based at the Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

I have been to two earlier seminars, one on flavour extraction and one on cheddar, and both were excellent.

You can find out much more about the speakers and the topic here on the LGS website.

WHEN: Friday 8 July, 6.30 pm (doors open 6 pm)

WHERE: Senate House, University of London, London, UK 

TICKETS: £10 via the London Gastronomy tickets page 

There were 20 tickets left last time I asked.