Burgundy 2022 – heat and dust

Monday 12 September 2022
The view from Gevrey, over the Clos de Beze, Chambertin and on towards Morey-St Denis

Initial reactions to the second-hottest Burgundy growing season of the last 75 years. Above, the view from Gevrey, over the Clos de Bèze, Chambertin and on towards Morey-St-Denis.

Surely no one can still deny that our climate is changing. This worldwide phenomenon has serious implications for viticulture: how and where grapes are grown, and inevitably which cultivar to plant and the style of fruit that results. There are few viticultural landscapes so tied to a style and tradition of winemaking as Burgundy. A cool-climate region with high continentality, Burgundy has been for centuries the perfect growing environment for the sensitive...