Book reviews 2021 – abstinence

How to Drink Without Drinking 
Celebratory alcohol-free drinks for any time of the day 
Fiona Beckett 
Published by Kyle Books 
ISBN 9780857836151 
£15.99, $19.99, CA$21.99 

Tuesday, 2 February 2021
How to Drink Without Drinking - Fiona Beckett book cover

If websites were books, Fiona Beckett’s would be one of my most dog-eared, well-thumbed, coffee- and wine-ring-stained. My keyboard regularly beats a staccato path to her welcoming doorstep, where I find recipes, new things to try, restaurants to visit, and pairings that range from classic to downright crazy (Guignolet with brie? Gin with sesame prawn toasts?).

One of the best things about Fiona Beckett’s website is that she’s game for just...