Chinese fakery – a guide

Thursday, 20 May 2010 • 1 min read

This is a guide to the collection of images we have published over the last week showing typical examples of highly questionable or unexpected business practices in today's Chinese wine market. They were all taken by lawyer Nick Bartman, who lays out his proposals for fighting these developments here.

Chinese fakery – a cautionary tale (Members' forum) 

A tale of Moueix and Lafite – Chinese style (29 Jul)

How to fight fraud in China (20 May)

China 6 – shopping areas (19 May)

China 5 – Real v fabricated wine (18 May)

Chinese ingenuity 4 – appellations (17 May)

Chinese ingenuity 3 – Chinese 'chateaux' (14 May)

Chinese ingenuity 2 – Lafite accoutrements (13 May) 

Fakes in China 1 – Lafite of course (12 May)