€3,000 Brunello bursary

Thursday 6 May 2010 • 1 min read

Brunello di Montalcino's Case Basse Soldera has announced the details of its 2010 Young Researcher Award.

The research paper must be on Brunello di Montalcino and the candidate should be under 35. Although Soldera do not say this specificially, applicants should probably have an  interest in 'natural' wines. (Note that Soldera spend 10-15% of their turnover on sponsoring research into natural processes, in particular microbiology, with two universities – see their website for more details.)

Topics may refer to viticulture and vineyard mechanisation, oenology, wine microbiology, marketing, markets and legislation but must concern Brunello di Montalcino.

Candidates must have published research in the last two years, with a thesis or publications or professional experience carried out on Brunello di Montalcino, relative to the themes listed above.

The selection board comprises: Mario Fregoni, former Honorary President of OIV, Fausto Cantarelli, President of the Italian Food Academy, Mauro Cresti, Professor of Botany at Siena, Giancarlo Spezia, Lecturer in Vineyard Mechanization at Piacenza and Massimo Vincenzini, Professor of Microbiology at Florence.

For more information about terms and conditions and how to apply, click here. You can also email gianfranco.soldera@casebasse.it. The closing date is 15 Dec 2010.