Get ready for a week of blogging...

Monday 19 February 2007 • 1 min read
I’ve always rather shied away from blogging. I think sharing the minutiae of my daily life would be as boring for you as it would be potentially embarrassing for me and mine.
But this week is a rather special week. I am spending it in Mendoza, Argentina, being a judge of the first ever Wines of Argentina Awards with some of my fellow British wine writers and four of Argentina’s top winemakers. It should be interesting, and is of course an entirely work-devoted week. (Perish the thought I might even discover where the Hyatt’s pool is.)
So I thought that for a change I would send a series of despatches from Argentina. I have brought along my microphone just in case I am inspired to send audio rather than written reports. Perhaps I should get my fellow judges Oz Clarke or Robert Joseph to contribute?
Anyway, hold on for more news from the southern hemisphere. The last (and pretty much first) time I visited Argentina was five years ago. Since then, in terms of wine at least, everything seems to have been going in the right direction.
To be continued…jetlag and tasting fatigue permitting.