June highlights on JancisRobinson.com

Friday 4 July 2014 • 1 min read

Germany was the flavour of month in June on JancisRobinson.com, as we started publishing Michael Schmidt's extensive tasting notes on the 2013 vintage. We also covered news of the latest Barolo releases, and visited plenty of less conventional places, too – from Austria to Sicily to Yunnan in China.

As usual, we keep everyone informed of these via our weekly emails. Some items that have slipped through that particular net are listed here, to remind you of the wealth of information we endeavour to provide.

STANDOUT STANDALONES - the best wines that were added to our massive tasting notes database but were not published as part of a tasting article
FROM THE ARCHIVE - what we were interested in 10 years ago:
FOR YOUR DIARY - there are plenty of rather London-centric wine events going on in July, according to our events diary (don't forget it is open to anyone to post events, wherever they are in the world):