Olympic writing competition – the winners

Friday, 7 September 2012 • 1 min read

We have been absolutely staggered by the high standard of entries in our Olympic writing competition. Admittedly there were only five of them, but every one was beautifully crafted, thoughtful and exceptionally literate. I had only minimal editing to do.

We therefore had a tough time deciding on a single winner, but in the end we decided that the winner’s bottle of Pol Roger, Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill 1999 should go to James Cornish who wrote the last entry received, just before the deadline last Friday night.

But Champagne Pol Roger were so impressed by the general standard that they have kindly agreed to award a bottle of vintage 2000 Pol Roger to each of Sam Brannigan and Hannah Watt too for their excellent submissions.

Here is the complete line-up of entrants:

Gold medallist
Marriage to a corpse by James Cornish

Silver medallists

How cross-Channel 2012 went by Sam Brannigan
No compromise by Hannah Watt

Honourable mentions
A 2016 twin centre by Charlie Foley
The verdict according to Twitter by Regine Lee

Thank you all very much indeed for providing so much entertainment and erudition. And for making us feel so proud of the literacy of visitors to this site.