What people think of JancisRobinson.com

Saturday 1 July 2017 • 11 min read

Here is just some feedback from members of JancisRobinson.com.

AUDEN WITTER, Purple Pager, 2 Sep 2017
Your site continues to excite and inform me on all sorts of wines and related topics. Your collective knowledge available on PP must be unrivalled – and at such a modest subscription charge.

Many many thanks for your exceptional service!

Very best wishes,

GEORGIE, 7 Aug 2017
@JancisRobinson Your website has to be the most helpful, unpatronising wine manual out there, thank you http://www.jancisrobinson.com #blogger

RAY BRUNO, Purple Pager, 15 May 2017
I find the tasting notes extremely useful, so much so that, having received a subscription as a present, I then went ahead and renewed!

TIMOTHY WOOD, sales and events manager Davy's Wine Merchants, 6 February 2017
Thanks for all the work you do on the site, a superb resource and source of authoritative views.

GREG SCHOHN, Purple Pager, 26 October 2016
Please pass along my gratitude for the Barolo Night Jancis and Walter hosted in NY last night. It was enlightening (albeit taxing) to be able to go through so many different wines – and to see so many of the different styles and stages. A nice bonus is to have some things to hunt down now have some firsthand knowledge. I do hope that you'll be able to do the same next year – I'd love to be able to see what differences play out between the vintages.

Also, I wanted to thank your team for the work that goes into the site. I've ended up enjoying much more than just the tasting database. I appreciate the depth and touch that goes into articles and all of the other resources (and yep, I think I've used almost all of them). Wine is a great way to see planning, progress, tradition, experimentation, reaction, and so much more (including failures). There are so many analogies in all of this for an engineer and entrepreneur! Keep up the good work – and thanks for setting it up in the first place!

RICHARD COLEBOURN, Purpler Pager, 6 June 2016
I have just finished the new short introduction to wine from Penguin and just wanted to say how excellent it is. Clear, unpretentious but also quite inspirational – has left me keen to learn more. Thanks.

BEN GUNN, Purple Pager, 22 Jan 2016
Hi Jancis et al, just to let you know that your Burgundy 2014 notes are an invaluable guide to my buying. I've given up buying almost any Bordeaux en primeur, but still buy a fair bit of burgundy as its so tricky to get mature stuff otherwise. So, thanks.

AUDEN WITTER, Purple Pager, 6 Jan 2016
Dear Tamlyn,

A very belated note of appreciation for your marvellous books reviews over the Christmas period. Witty, informed and informative and utterly engaging. What more need be said by way of the highest recommendation? At least one of the 'guides' as well as the extraordinary sounding tome on France are top on my soon-to-purchase list.

I have said before – and repeat for all you tireless (as well as clever, amusing and so individual) sources of all things vinous at Purple Pages – that you should seriously consider an increase in the annual subscription fee. Perhaps such a move, however, might deter younger subscribers? Anyway, you are all, to me, well worth my Winter Fuel Payment!

Thank you and best wishes in 2016 to you and all your colleagues at PP. Auden

ANDY MACFAUL, Purple Pager, 4 Jan 2016
Happy New Year, Tam and the team.

Just to follow up on the last email, in 2015 I bought 14 of the wines that the team recommended as wines of the week (Trinity Hills Gimblett, Sanchez Romate Fino Perdido, Wynns Cab Sauv (but not the 2010 Waitrose 'sold' me – maybe you could stick the boot into them one the these days; many of us are not happy with them – Tanners Super Claret, Clonakilla Hilltops, Dom Begude Pinot, Dom de Vedilhan Serica Viognier, Acustic Blanc Monsanto, Claudie Jobard Les Cloux Rully, Edoardo Miroglio Soli Pinot Noir, Ermita del Conde Albillo, Clos des Fous Locura Chard and Alpha Hedgehog Xinomavro 2010. Also tried to get the Ch Reynon Cadillac 2010 but it had all gone).

I perhaps slightly hijacked the 'what I was drinking on Christmas Day' thread to highlight some of the other wines you recommended that I've enjoyed recently but my musings were trumped by the tasting note of the Cheval Blanc 1990 – sadly not a wine I'm ever likely to taste! But I can't emphasise strongly enough how much importance I attach to your tasting notes and recommendations when deciding what wines to buy. Almost of all my purchases seem to have GV, VGV or VVGV somewhere in the tasting note. It all goes to prove that there is now so much good quality wine from around the world and you don't have to break the bank to get them either. And I wouldn't know about any of them were it not for the indispensable intelligence provided by Purple Pages!

Regards, Andy

PS  On New Year's Day it was the turn of my wife and I to host a family gathering and with the turkey we greatly enjoyed our last bottle of Patrick Javillier's Cuvée Oligocène 2010 and a bottle of Julien Sunier's 2011 Fleurie, both bought because of your recommendations. Both were drinking superbly well – wish I had more of the Javillier!

GAVIN QUINNEY, winemaker, Ch Baudac, 3 Nov 2015
Very good value at £7 a month, may I say.

AUDEN WITTER, Purple Pager, 24 June 2015
Purple Pages have been an extraordinary daily joy as well as 'learning experience' since I joined last August. 

JAMIE WOLFF, wine merchant Chambers St Wine, 22 June 2015
The only issue I take with you (and your team) is that there’s too much good stuff to read, and I’m constantly falling behind and have a ridiculously large number of articles bookmarked for hopeful future reference. 

EILEEN DUFFY, wine writer, 12 June 2015
Wow, never let it be said Purple Pagers don't get back to you right away!

TOM MUNRO, Purple Pager and director of Boovability, Négociant-éleveur, and The Other Bordeaux, 25 May 2015
Love your articles and other material. Really pleased with my subscription. 

MARK DE MEY, Purple Pager, 2 May 2015
Ms Robinson,

While you may have been underwhelmed by the response to your stories of Bordeaux 2014, I must say I read your reviews with great attention. And, for the the first time in about 10 years, I bought en primeur Bordeaux: Sociando Mallet and La Tour blanche. Also because my store will refund me if prices should drop. But prices look very reasonable.

Keep up the good work!

FREDRIK SORUM ANDERSEN, Purple Pager, 2 May 2015 
Hi, I've been a subscriber for a couple of days now and just wanted to express how immensely impressed I am with the quality of this site! Do keep up the excellent work – I can't for the life of me understand why I haven't signed up previously :-)

JASON RIPLEY, Purple Pager, 28 April 2015
Love the site, it's a great resource for me.

RICHARD CONNELL, Purple Pager, 26 April 2015
Your notes on the others help me educate my children, solicitor, GP etc. The loss of Parker is only important in calculating probable values for what my children, solicitor and GP are likely to realise at auction. I am still astounded at his importance but amused that a undergraduate chasing his girlfriend – and later wife – to Europe without being able to speak a word of French can become so important. Meanwhile you remain the gold standard.

MARK DE MAY, Purple Pager, 26 April 2015
Stylistically speaking no one writes about wine like you! In comparison, reading Parker is like browsing a phone book.

ANTHONY ALEXANDER, Purple Pager, 26 April 2015
Let me assure you, I’m very interested in all things claret. I drink claret mainly (but not exclusively) and rely heavily on your taste which I both admire and appreciate. Please keep the reports coming: without them, I wouldn’t know what the quality of the new wines is.

RAMAN J GHEI, 24 April 2015
I also wanted to add myself as being someone who buys quite a bit of Bordeaux futures each year and I rely entirely on your reviews. I have found over time that I like what you like and also how valuable it is to know which of the ever increasingly expensive wines are not worth pursuing. So for instance this year having read your Margaux I plan to get some Pavillon Rouge and Palmer, as they are two of my favourite wines to begin with and I'm hoping the prices won't be too bad. I loved the notes on your visit to Palmer too as that is a place I hope to visit sometime. Thanks again for all your work, it's truly invaluable to me.

DAVE TODD, 14 November 2014
Your website and pages are an amazing fund of information and updates for me and my clients get the full benefit as I pass on the info as I guide them.  

FLEUR PUSHACK, Purple Pager and WSET diploma student, 3 October 2014
Just a note to say well done to Julia and Jancis on their recent work to update the Oxford Companion to Wine , a huge undertaking! I'm a recent Diploma graduate and used this, along with the brilliant Wine Grapes and latest World Atlas of Wine to prepare for my exams. 

I believe if you want to do well in the Diploma these three books are critical, and I can't think of any other print or digital books that even come close. So thank you for all your hard work, it is much appreciated. 

ETIENNE HUGEL, Hugel Wine Estate, 3 October 2014
Just admired your new site, gorgeous, BRAVO 

PETER GRANOFF, 22 September 2014
Love the iPad editions, by the way. Fantastic when on the road! Best of luck wrapping it up.

JASON MCFALL, Purple Pager, 19 September 2014
Congratulations on leading such a great transformation of jancisrobinson.com – it's a great improvement, and now the style and design of the site lives up to the excellence of the writing.

FIONA MORRISON MW, Le Pin, 5 September 2014
Love the new design of the web-site – great improvement and so much easier to find my way around the site. I would also add that I think the LEARN section is a great service to anyone who wants to learn more about wine.

NED GOODWIN MW, thewanderingpalate.com, 3 September 2014
Great site.

MICHAEL SCHUSTER, Michael Schuster Wine, 2 September 2014
Congratulations on the new format ... I know what it takes!

JAREK MORAWSKI, Brand New Day Wines & Spirits Toronto, 29 August 2014
We regard Jancis Robinson to be by far the best wine writer out there and have the most respect for her and her team's opinions. We have been fans for a long time.

TREVOR GULLIVER, St John restaurant, 19 August 2014
There are plenty of blogs, subscriber services and free flannel out there, if you are paying then be brave and just pick one, for me that’s Jancis’ pages. Informed, a wealth of experience, broad in its coverage, a keen and enthusiastic team of tasters and I suggest integrity, I only have one subscriber reference these days. We try to avoid the web clutter when we are researching wines or generally keeping abreast of what’s new in wine world, for me it’s a simple choice, use Jancis.

JUSTIN COEN, 18 August 2014
Many congratulations on the launch of your new website, it's terrific.

BARBARA BAXTER, Planet Wine, 18 August 2014
Love your writing and empathy for the realities of wine sales!

SUZANNE BROCKLEHURST, www.thewinenarrative.com, 15 August 2014
The new-look website is looking fabulous – well done to all the team!

JOEL RUBINS, 15 August 2014
I love the site's content and reviews. Keep up the great work.

KATE SWEET, Limm PR, 14 August 2014
@JancisRobinson Just back from hols and checking out the new JR site. Looks amazing! Congrats to all the team for a job well done.

CORINNE MENTZELOPOULOS, Ch Margaux, 12 August 2014
Subject: The new design of your website
Many many congratulations. I can barely imagine the number of meetings, hard work and headaches it must have taken you and your team to accomplish this.

ELIN McCOY, wine and spirits columnist, Bloomberg News; drinks columnist, Zester Dailyam, 13 August 2014
Like the new website design very much.

MAX WINDICH, Penningtons Manches, 13 August 2014
On a happier note, the new website looks excellent. I hope that the launch went smoothly.

WEYGANDT WINES, Sam Mitchell, wine consultant,  8 August 2014
As you probably know, Jancis Robinson is a widely respected wine authority and writer. She's the author of the seminal book, The Oxford Companion to Wine, and is responsible for the always educational and engaging writing on JancisRobinson.com.

RYAN OPAZ, wineconversation.com, 8 August 2014
I have been in Switzerland all week, but I wanted to send a much deserved congratulations on the new site. I know what it takes to make such a big change and you seem to have pulled off a win! Well done.

TOM PACKER, Canada, 7 August 2014
Hi Jancis, Congratulations on the new format of your website It provides me with straightforward access to all of the fantastic content you provide. I love this site. Thank you! 

MICHAEL REIFF, 8 August 2014
Jancis, Nice new website. My wife, Tatiana Simonova, and I, will always remember the black tie Petrus dinner we had with Anton Mossiman and you, with a few other guests, around ten years ago at Mossiman's. What a pleasure. Thanks for the wonderful writing while we enjoy our wines.

RACHEL PROVEST, Ho Chi Minh City, 8 August 2014
New format is brilliant, particularly the OCW!

MEL JONES, Birds with bottle, 8 August 2014
LOVE the new site. Really clear and easy to navigate.

STEPHEN WATSON, 8 August 2014
I think the new site design is a a great aesthetic and functional leap up from the previous site, so well done to all.

I feel guilty about cancelling my subs but as you say below 'We over-deliver!'. I just could not keep up with the flood of articles you amazing people produce (and it was definitely not quantity instead of quality damn you, it was both!) and given that I'm not employed at the moment I'm afraid, perversely, I wasn't able to afford to not read so much of what I was paying for! I intend that when I'm in paid work again I will rejoin and be profligate. :-)

EMMA PIKE, senior marketing manager, Arblaster & Clarke Wine Tours, 25 July 2014
Access to the entire site is a wonderful gift, like having a complete wine encyclopaedia at the click of a button!

MARK VAN LOON, 24 July 2014 
My cancellation is temporary. We are big fans. In fact, we used the site extensively for over a year while we started a collection, and visited only domains in Spain, Italy and France that got good marks from the site. Sounds awfully snobbish, ha ha. We have loved the traveling, tastings and the friendly receptions from most growers, and have learned a lot. But we have to take a pause because ... my cellar is up to capacity (we have a house near Châteauneuf...). But we'll start drinking soon and make space and then we'll be back.

JOHN LAHART, New York (posted on the Members' forum), 15 Jul 2014
Default Kudos to Jancis (and Maureen) from Parker. Robert Parker posted this recently on his website: 

Kudos to Maureen Downey and to Jancis – A must-read Jancis article in the July 4 Financial Times about MD's quest to take down the fake wine empire builders ... terrific piece, and some stuff I didn't realize ... the Rudi K 1940 DRCs that won the hearts and minds of Burgundy fanatics and Burgundy experts were made from a very simple recipe ... 100% 2006 Marcassin Blue Slide pinot noir ... no wonder they received such rave reviews! His recipe for the 1945 Mouton Rothschild was a ding-a-ling one ... 50% 1988 Cos d'Estournel, 25% 1990 Palmer, and 25% California cabernet ... maybe I am wrong, but why has there been so little mention of this excellent article?

Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/al40/3267959243