Champagne Vintage Chart: 1999 to 2023
A bumper crop but made very difficult by runaway downy and powdery mildew, especially for Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier, as well as issues with botrytis.
A warm growing season with August rains bringing freshness. Generous crop in terms of quantity.
Quite a contrast to the preceding hot years with a very rainy season and a succession of challenging weather events. April frosts and mildew dramatically reduced the crop, as elsewere in France - by as much as 20%. Grapes had trouble ripening and the potential alcohol, 9.9%, was as low as in 2013 and 2016.
Damp weather was followed by summer heatwaves with temperatures over 40 deg C and subsequent heat damage to vines, this time end July and early August. Notably high pH, as high as in 2018, and the highest level of tartaric acid since 2009.
A damp start to the growing season was followed by a dry and extremely hot summer with some losses to frost, hail and, worryingly, heat damage at the end of June and early July. Potential alcohols averaged 10.6%, as high as in 2012, but acidities were generally higher than in 2018.
2018 was a bumper year for champagne, with ample yields to compensate for the smaller 2017 vintage despite substantial losses to hail. Hopes are high that the generous ripeness of the raw material will translate into single-vintage releases in due course. Total acidities were relatively low.
Very tricky conditions, with a warm, humid autumn facilitating widespread grey rot throughout the region. The quality of Chardonnay was better than both Pinots, but whether any of them are released as single-vintage wines is by no means certain.
As happened widely across France, frost and hail conspired to lower the yields, and potential alcohol, in the Champagne region in 2016. Quality is generally above average, with Pinot Noir preferred to Chardonnay. The vintage is likely to be declared for several luxury cuvées, including Cristal and Comtes de Champagne.
Very little disease pressure, thanks to dry, sunny conditions over the summer months – the driest on record. Rain arrived in the final week of harvest, but most grapes had already been gathered. The berries tended to be small but with good uniform ripeness, and potential alcohol levels were relatively high at harvest. Richness characterised the vintage, and Pinot Noir did particularly well.
A warm, dry September saved the crop from a damper, cooler August. The resulting fruit has good levels of potential alcohol, indicating ample ripeness.
Coming up on the outside lane in terms of qualty and longevity. A cool spring led to uneven ripening and one of the latest harvests in 20 years. Summer hail caused widespread damage in the summer months but overall the Champenois fared better than many of their compatriots. The vintage releases show great tension and will probably outlast the 2012s.
An exceptional vintage in Champagne. Despite low yields thanks to frost, hail and disease early in the season, August saw conditions improve dramatically resulting in exemplary maturity, acidity and grape health at harvest.
Notable for its erratic growing season, which started warm and dry but then became cooler and wetter in June and July. Conditions improved briefly in August but the (early) harvest was problematic and the potential alcohol of the musts was the lowest for many years.
A taxing year with dry conditions retarding grape development early in the season. When rain arrived in August it was torrential, causing widespread disease pressure. The return of dry conditions in September helped some producers over the line, but sorting in the vineyard and winery was crucial.
After early complications a superb summer produced a clean crop of high quality, with particularly good Pinot Noir from the Montagne de Reims. Wines are plump and were approachable quite early on.
Initially a difficult, damp year with widespread mildew; drier conditions in August and a fine, warm September proved many producers’ saving grace. Classically styled wines with fresh acidity balanced by sound ripeness achieved late in the season. Regarded as a standout vintage - until 2012 and 2013 arrived.
An unusually warm spring led to early flowering and optimism which soon gave way to disappointment with one of the murkiest summers on record. Conditions improved towards September allowing a fair crop, with Chardonnay outperforming the Pinots. Above average acidities.
An exceptionally hot and sunny June and July with grapes in fine fettle but a dank August left producers fearful of underripeness. Fortunately, warm, bright conditions in September redressed the balance. Wines are supple and expressive - generally more detailed than the 2015s.
Variable conditions throughout the year resulted in a lacklustre vintage, though favourable weather in the run-up to harvest meant that ripeness was assured. Acidities on the low side. Big-shouldered wines were made.
Unusually, quality and quantity were both hallmarks of 2004. Structured, well-balanced wines which have exceeded expectation. See also 2002 for a link to a comparative tasting.
Spring frosts followed by one of the hottest summers on record led to small volumes and typically very ripe wines of middling quality. Some fine Pinot Noir-dominant blends.
A magnificent vintage for champagne with near-perfect growing conditions, capped by fine dry weather at harvest. Ageworthy wines with plush fruit held in check by keen acidity. See Champagne – 2002 or 2004? for an update on the wines written on 26 Jan 2024.
A generally poor vintage characterised by rot and underripeness thanks to a wet and gloomy September.
Hail, rainstorms, unseasonable cold and mildew made for a testing growing season, but fine conditions in August and September redeemed the vintage. High quality wines for short-term drinking.
Hot, stormy year with the lowest acidity since 1959 which resulted in fruity, generous wines.