Win a bottle of Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill

17 Aug Resounding silence so far suggests a bottle of this delicious de luxe champagne is yours for the price of a scribble. Worth a punt? See below. There are no limitations on how you approach the subject.

Friday, 17 August 2012 • 1 min read

10 Aug This may be a potty idea but our Readers’ restaurant review competition was so popular, we thought you might be interested in another writing competition. The prize is a bottle of Pol Roger’s very superior de luxe champagne, Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill 1999, a champagne made to celebrate the champagne house’s 150th anniversary and one to savour with a cigar if ever there was one. Only 1,200 bottles were made. 

Nick has written an Olympic fantasy, suggesting that there could have been even greater benefits if Paris and London had agreed to share the job of hosting the Olympics. We will send a bottle of this very fine and luxurious fizz to whomever writes the most entertaining and/or thought-provoking riposte to his proposal.  It could be another, related fantasy. It could be an examination of how it might have worked or a demolition of it. It could be an analysis of the gastronomic pros and cons of such an Olympic co-operation. It could be a rumination on Franco-British relations in general. The only stricture I can think of at the moment is that the words should be English, previously unpublished, a good read and have some relationship to Nick’s Olympic fantasy. 

We will publish those we think are of interest to visitors to this site. The current plan is to run this competition throughout August, though the sooner you submit your article, the sooner it is likely to be published as the wine calendar hots up from the beginning of September.

The winner, who can reside anywhere in the world, will be announced in early September and will be sent a bottle of this rare champagne by Champagne Pol Roger. If you read Nick’s article, you will see why we chose this particular wine.

Send your contribution, however short or long, to