GG new releases in 2024 – Rieslings

Kurhaus Wiesbaden © Peter Bender/VDP

The Riesling report for 2022 and 2023 Grosse Gewächse wines from VDP member estates shown this year in Wiesbaden. Two vintages of extremes and much to like in both. See also GG new releases in 2024 – everything but RieslingAbove, Wiesbaden's Kurhaus, venue for the VDP Grosse Gewächse preview (© Peter Bender).

Paula writes The lead-up to the VDP Grosse Gewächse preview in Wiesbaden, the first official peek and sip of the wines from Germany’s top VDP sites, always seems to follow a predictable pattern. Somewhere in early August, one begins to hear the inevitable cries of ‘best...