A noble interview


Silly stuff about bugs and bikinis. 

We have a lot of time for the wine magazine Noble Rot that is beautifully designed and has brought a breath of fresh air to the British wine scene. (It is also to be seen abroad.) We publicised it with a special offer back in 2016.

Dan Keeling who, with Mark Andrew MW, runs the magazine alongside Noble Rot wine bar in Lamb's Conduit Street and a company that imports wines that particularly take their fancy, interviewed me recently and the result is on 10 pages of their latest issue, number 19. I can take a tease so am quite prepared to share with you (with their encouragement) what they published. 

You can read it here. My favourite bit is where Dan describes JancisRobinson.com as 'Britain's most trusted vinous website'.

Noble it's not, nor rotten. But maybe an amusing read.