Diary of an MW student – part 41, the results take two!


This is just a brief update to announce the results of my practical examination. 

Yesterday Twitter was suddenly abuzz with the news that the results would be emailed to all candidates the following morning. Many of us thought they were being released on Monday, and I for one was looking forward a full weekend of crippling dread.

I valiantly managed to cram that fear into one night's fitful sleep instead, and awoke this morning with butterflies, snakes, blowflies and all manner of other wriggling horrors in my belly.

Then at 9:25 precisely an email arrived. The subject was 'Confidential: MW examination results.' So I flicked on my webcam ...

Reader, I passed. What blessed relief!

More details will follow in an upcoming installment of this diary – but I cannot close this without thanking my tasting mentor for this year, Alex Hunt MW, of this parish. Many people helped me to achieve my pass, and I am greatly indebted to them all, but Alex's attention and advice was particularly invaluable. Thank you, Alex.

Now, where's that champagne ...