Join me for a wine tasting in London on May 18

My younger daughter and some of her schoolmates at South Hampstead High School are planning a World Challenge Expedition to Vietnam next year and I have been roped in to help them raise the necessary funds for what seems like a very worthwhile venture. As well as building their characters, the expedition is designed to help build schools etc in Vietnam (see my previous reference to this pressing need via Room to Read).

I am accordingly holding a tutored tasting of some of my favourite suggestions for summer drinking on the evening of Thursday 18 May at South Hampstead School, London NW3. We’ll gather from 7pm, and at 7.30 spend an hour or so tasting my chosen wines followed by questions and will then fall on some equally handpicked cheeses very kindly supplied by Marylebone cheese specialist Patricia Michaelson of La Fromagerie.

I haven’t yet decided on the wines but they will be useful, superior and genuinely interesting wines for daily drinking rather than fine wine rarities, as is perhaps evident from what I hope you agree is a very reasonable ticket price (£20 a head) for an evening out.

Please come and thrill to the heady combination of handpicked wines, handpicked cheeses and revived memories of the school gym.

Place: South Hampstead High School for Girls

          corner of Fitzjohn’s Avenue and Maresfield Gardens

          London NW3

          (nearest tube Swiss Cottage)

Date: Thursday May 18, 2006

Time: 7 for 7.30pm

Tickets: £20 per person 

Just send a cheque for the total amount with your name and contact details made out to ‘SHHS Vietnam’ on the form below or this easily printable form to:

World Challenge Wine Tasting Limited, c/o Percy Westhead & Company, Chartered Accountants, Greg’s Buildings, 1 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AD, United Kingdom


Name (please print.……………………………………………………………………......

Tel No or email address……………………………………………………………………………………………..

No of tickets…………

I enclose a cheque made out to ‘SHHS Vietnam’ for £……………


No tickets will be issued, but on receipt of your cheque, your name and number of tickets will be added to the guest list. 

Send to:

World Challenge Wine Tasting Limited, c/o Percy Westhead & Company, Chartered Accountants, Greg’s Buildings, 1 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AD, United Kingdom