I have made myself distinctly unpopular with Him Who Cooks by arranging to be in the Loire on St Valentine’s Day and I fear even taking up Uncorked, London EC2’s enterprising Valentine’s Day offer is unlikely to get me back into his good books.
But the rest of you British visitors to this site, or visitors to this site with a Valentine based in the UK, might be interested in the following recent email received (which is somewhat sexist – but they are based in the City after all):
My wife keeps banging on about the significance of next Tuesday. It’s unlike her to be so astute. But it prompted me to remind you all that Tuesday 14th February is, of course,...
Chip and PIN Day
Not a stunning food and wine match – as in chips and Le Pin – but an exercise in fraud prevention by the banks, after which we’ll no longer be able to override our credit card terminal’s demand for a pin number.
Oh, and - she must have forgotten - it`s Valentine`s Day. So whether you’re trying to kindle a new flame - or keep an old one smouldering, or trying to wind someone up by sending them a mysterious token of love even though you hardly know them...
Guaranteed, single bottle delivery, UK mainland, with handwritten card, just:
You look after your PIN and we’ll help smooth over the rough edges of your love life.
Peter, Tom, Edward, Andrew, Colin, Jim
Uncorked Ltd
Exchange Arcade
tel: +44 (0)20 7638 5998