While we test our long-awaited tasting note database and, most importantly, the search function within it, I realised that a list of the most important articles in the tasting notes section is long overdue. The links in the tasting notes list should lead you to the most comprehensive horizontals included in this site, sometimes directly to the tasting notes themselves or, in the case of particularly long surveys (Bordeaux and Burgundy for example), to a subsidiary list of articles divided by appellation (eg Margaux, Pauillac in the case of Bordeaux) of producer name in the case of Burgundy.
Of course the articles in the tasting notes list represent just a fraction of all the articles in the tasting note section. There are many more vertical tastings and general surveys of particular regions or other themes, particularly but by no means exclusively in Australia, Austria and the US, but my guess is that these articles are those of most interest to most purple pagers. I hope I’m right and am very grateful to you for staying with me this far with so little help in navigating the thousands and thousands of tasting notes on purple pages. (Please don't hesitate to let me know if you find a link doesn't work.)
For the moment, to locate any other tasting notes, please enter the name of the wine and the vintage in the search box at the bottom of the left hand menu, and cross your fingers.