Jerez's terroirists

Monday 30 October 2023
Territorio Albariza

The future of the sherry region may well lie in the hands of producers such as these members of Territorio Albariza. Above, left to right, Alejandro Muchada of Muchada-Léclapart, Ramiro Ibáñez of Cota 45 and De la Riva, Joaquín Gómez of Meridiano Perdido, Primitivo Collantes, Willy Pérez of Luis Pérez and De la Riva and Fran López, a colleague of Willy's. See also the associated tasting notes and Sherry's saviour?

Whole new categories of wines emerge only every few years. English sparkling wines, skin-contact whites, Douro table wines and of course natural wines spring to mind. And now there’s a...