Wine Grapes: A Complete Guide to 1,368 Vine Varieties, including their Origins and Flavours
Jancis Robinson, Julia Harding, José Vouillamoz Published October 2012The beautifully designed, 1,200-page, full-colour Wine Grapes was published by Allen Lane (Penguin) in the UK and Ecco (Harper Collins) in the US in October 2012. It provides comprehensive details on all 1,368 vine varieties currently making wine in commercial circulation – including their origins, how they grow, where they are planted, how their wines taste and previously unpublished information on how they are related.
In September 2013, a much-needed ebook of Wine Grapes was released. This version has been optimised for e-readers, and while it isn't a perfect port (for example, the wine grape family trees were necessarily excluded), it is far more convenient for many people than the heavy print version.
Wine grape family trees can be downloaded here.