Champomy ('La Boisson de la Fête') is highly recommended as a non-alcoholic drink for children who appreciate the special thrill of drinking that fizzy stuff made in north-east France (note to lawyer – will this do?) – even if the pale blue and red label is not quite as tasteful as Dom P's. It's basically well packaged sparkling apple juice and here are the tasting notes of 8- and 10-year-old cousins Rebecca and Rose Lander:
'It tastes a lot like appletize but slightly sweeter and the apple tastes more mature, with a hint of lemonade. It is also very fizzy, and leaves your mouth tingling. It smells deliciously like honey and apples, it has a lovely aftertaste. It does not taste at all alcholic and I love the way it tickles your tongue as you drink it.'
'When you take your first swallow from a newly opened bottle the bubbles tickle your throat delitfully.'
Made by C S R Pampyrl of 93126 La Courneuve near Paris, and so far spotted only in French supermarkets, it even has its own (French language) web site – truly something for the next generation.