Co-ordinator appointed for English wine research


Following a selection process held at Plumpton College, Paul Pippard (pictured) has been appointed as Co-ordinator for the English Wine Research and Development Group (EWRDG), the volunteer group founded in April 2015. This involves supporting the EWRDG in their goal of identifying, examining and finding solutions to the challenges faced by those involved in UK wine production. The EWRDG is analysing the key challenges and opportunities, while seeking funding in order to support the establishment of research and development projects that will help sustain the continued growth of English and Welsh wine. Findings will be disseminated through appropriate routes such as the Grape Press (the UK wine producers’ circular), industry conferences and the WineSkills website

The co-ordinator role is being funded by a grant from the UK Vineyards Association (UKVA), who see research and development as critical to the future of the industry. Paul’s first role is to analyse the existing evidence base, including last year’s survey of UKVA members, and to support the group in identifying key challenges. The success of the recent 2016 International Cool Climate Wine Symposium held in Brighton will be used to develop further momentum and engagement with industry. Other aspects of the role will be to build an online presence with a website profiling the Group’s capabilities, strategy and, eventually, the findings of its research.

Paul and his wife Alice planted Beacon Down Vineyard in East Sussex in 2015 and he has recently volunteered to be treasurer of the South East Vineyards Association. As a chartered management accountant and civil servant in Whitehall for over 12 years, he led government public consultations and worked with permanent secretaries and ministers. Paul was also operations manager for the Royal Parks’ London 2012 Olympics events. He has a first-class Foundation Diploma in Wine Production from Plumpton and lives in Lewes with Alice and their two sons.

Paul is keen to hear from anyone in the industry with ideas and can be reached at:; Twitter @Pippard; Tel 07870 851138.